About BNC National

Brandeis National Committee Home

The Brandeis National Committee (BNC) is dedicated to providing philanthropic support to Brandeis University, a distinguished liberal arts and research university founded by the American Jewish community in 1948. BNC’s membership is connected to the university through fundraising and activities that reflect the values on which the university was founded: academic excellence, social justice, nonsectarianism and service to the community.

Fast Facts


BNC members are women and men who share a passion for lifelong learning and the core values of Brandeis University. Most BNC members are not Brandeis alumni, but all understand the value of the education Brandeis provides its students. Members continue their lifelong learning through learning opportunities created by Brandeis faculty exclusively for BNC.


Founded in 1948, the same year as Brandeis University, the BNC provides financial support for Brandeis’ student scholarships; expansion, restoration and preservation of Brandeis’ libraries; and scientific research. The BNC is the largest friends-of-a-library group in the world with 26,000 members nationwide. As a volunteer fundraising organization, BNC has contributed over $127 million to Brandeis University while utilizing the resources of the university to provide unique programming for its members. Most recently the BNC raised $1.5 million for student scholarships. We thank our chapters for this immense support and establishing a promising future for Brandeis.


BNC chapters are located nationwide. The National Center is on the Brandeis campus in Waltham, Massachusetts.

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